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Collage, Cut & Paste, un- collage, Affiche Lacerre 

Building the Table Gallery at Amalgamated Drive my first studio courtesy of Sage Arts Charity

The Paste Table Gallery is  peripatetic, it will be turning up every few months or so  in locations around London & wherever it is invited. Look at the news tab for next venue. 


The Gallery is dedicated to cut & paste work and is curated and hosted by me Nick Cash


Analogue collage has a sculptural essence, creases and raised material contribute to its physical topography. Its cultural/political landscape depends on the choice of signifiers their placement and way they collide with other images.


My aim with this project is to curate an exhibition about collage, from the latter half of the 20th century to the present day, incorporating works that touch on the political, surreal, humorous and purely abstract.  This will display the breadth, diversity of thought and method that can be applied to the medium. 


Speed and topicality are important facets of the approach to making collage.

The ability to play with composition, depth of field and scale in a radical & instant way, was, and still is appealing.  The medium has a musicality in the sense that compositions can be improvised or highly composed.  It can be aleatoric as in the New Realists’ work or more tightly organised and precise as conceived by John Stezaker.  The images by Linder & Jon Savage in the 1970s and 80s addressed sexual politics with a punk aesthetic that was very far from dry polemic.


I do not want to be too didactic about how the disparate works engage with or connect thematically.  It is important for the viewer to have room to make their own associations and opinions.  Suffice to say that most of the work is critically engaged or involves a radical process informed by polemic, philosophy and reality.  A riposte to the assault of mass culture including advertising.

As the project continues new artists will be invited to

show work, some unknown, some stalwarts of the artworld.


Some art works are for sale 



The Paste Table Gallery being made.

© 2015 Nick Cash All rights reserved.

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